
Asked Questions Hiring Managers

Job-Orders.com is completely free for hiring managers. You can post job orders, browse resumes, and manage your hiring processes without incurring any charges.
When you choose to hire a candidate through our platform, you will be responsible for compensating the recruiter for their services, as is standard in recruiter-client relationships. Recruiters will transparently present their fee rates, guarantees, and other terms, along with the profiles of their candidates. This enables you to effortlessly compare the fees and terms of different recruiters before making your hiring decision.

Recruiters' fees for permanent placements vary but generally fall within the range of 15% to 30% of the candidate's annual salary. The specific percentage depends on the complexity of finding qualified candidates for the position. It's important to note that Job-Orders.com does not intervene in determining recruiters' fees. Recruiters have the autonomy to present the fees, guarantees, and terms they deem fair for both the candidate and the position.

The number of candidates you receive for an open job order is entirely at your discretion as the hiring manager. However, on average, most job orders attract between 5 and 10 qualified candidates within a few days. Job-Orders.com boasts an extensive network of recruiters, theoretically capable of supplying as many candidates as you require. Our objective is to ensure an efficient and swift hiring process without wasting your valuable time. To optimize your job order and align it with your preferences, we recommend consulting with your Job-Orders.com client consultant. Together, we can tailor the process to deliver the right quantity of candidates for your needs.

Asked Questions Recruiters

A success fee is applicable when your candidate is successfully hired. This fee may vary, ranging from 25% to 50% of your placement fee, contingent upon your partnership level and platform volume. Payment of the success fee is only required upon the successful hiring of your candidate.
The success fee is contingent on your partnership level and platform usage volume. The greater your engagement with the platform and the higher the number of candidates hired, the lower your success fee percentage will become.

To access the platform, an annual fee will be applied (Basic partnerships cost $299 per year). Beyond this, the platform is entirely free to utilize. Browsing job orders and submitting candidates incur no charges. Only in the event of your candidate being hired will a success fee be applied.

To deliver top-notch service to our hiring companies, it's crucial to have active, committed, and legitimate recruiters. We implement a modest yearly subscription fee (starting as low as $299) to ensure recruiter commitment and filter out unserious entities. Additionally, we aim for a balanced ratio between active recruiters and open job orders, ensuring plenty relevant opportunities for all committed partners.

You will maintain exclusive communication with your candidates, and neither the platform nor the hiring company will possess the candidate's full name or contact details. It is strictly prohibited, as per the platform's "Rules of Engagement," for the platform or any hiring company to attempt to contact your candidate without your explicit permission. Job-orders.com is committed to taking any necessary legal action to safeguard the security, trust, and integrity of the platform.
You have the autonomy to choose the candidate information you wish to share. If a hiring company expresses interest in your candidate, they can inquire through the platform and schedule an interview. The interview process will adhere to your terms and be conducted in the manner you typically handle company interviews.

Normally, a job order will be made available for 5 to 10 candidates. Nevertheless, the decision on the number of candidates a hiring company wishes to receive is entirely at their discretion. For Recruiters with a Basic subscription, one candidate per job order can be submitted for free. An additional charge fee per candidate will be applied for any extra submissions.

Recruiters with a Premium subscription can submit two candidates per job order, with an additional charge fee per candidate for any extras.

Recruiters with Professional subscriptions have the freedom to submit as many candidates as they wish, with no additional charges incurred.

The platform has a limited number of premium and professional partnerships to guarantee the hiring company receives optimal service and maintain a balanced platform with plenty opportunities for recruiting firms. Exceptional performance by basic partners may lead to invitations to join the premium or professional partnership.

When presenting candidates for a job order, you include your standard terms, conditions, guarantees, and fees, as you typically do when engaging with a hiring company.
The hiring company must agree to your terms, conditions, and fees when selecting your candidate.

Invoicing the hiring company and concluding the hiring process will be your responsibility, following your usual procedures.
Job-orders.com does not participate in invoicing the hiring company, handling payments, or any post-closure activities.

However, you will need to share your invoice details with Job-orders.com to ensure accurate charging of the success fee.

You can utilize the platform to discover qualified candidates for job orders acquired externally. With our extensive network of recruiters, there's a high probability that another recruiter within the network has the candidate you need to fulfill your job order.
Simply create your Swap Order on the platform and establish a finders fee to be distributed to the recruiter who presents the hired candidate.

The recruiter of the selected candidate will be awarded the finders fee upon successful hiring. You have the flexibility to determine the finders fee amount. Opting for a higher finders fee attracts more recruiters, resulting in the submission of superior candidates. Therefore, set a fee that you deem fair, reasonable, and reflective of both the candidate's caliber and the position's level.

A finders fee is only applicable upon the successful hiring of a candidate.

As the recruiter with the original job order, you retain full control over the process and are the sole point of contact with the Hiring Manager. Neither job-orders.com nor other recruiters on the platform will have access to the hiring company's information. The hiring company will only receive information that you choose to provide them with.

You may have exceptional candidates that other recruiters could utilize to fulfill their job orders. Leverage the platform to showcase your top candidates. Upon the hiring of your candidate, you will receive a "Finders Fee." You will continue to be the exclusive point of contact with your candidate, and other recruiters will only access the information you decide to share with them.

Job-orders.com collaborates with hiring companies across various industries nationwide. Any hiring company employing recruiters in their hiring process can utilize the platform, irrespective of industry, job level, salary level, job type, etc.